How to keep your nails healthy
Most of us girls are experiencing a lot of nail problems especially for those busy housewives, in this blog-post I will try to give some of my opinion(s) & some tips on how we can keep our nails: healthy!
Personally, I really love to polish my nails! I hope you love your nails too, but most of the time because of my busy days at work, I’m always experiencing problems about my nails. Nails, nails, nails, they are brittle and can be easily broken. So I decided to make some research on how to keep my nails healthy and clean; and share with you.
Tips on how we can keep our nails healthy:
1. Drink plenty of water: your nails will love you for drinking a lot of water because it keeps your body hydrated everyday to maintain healthy nails.
2. Eat foods rich in Vitamin B ( Biotin ): carrots, bananas, cauliflower and egg yolk are rich in Vitamin B to speed up the growth of your nails.
3. Don’t share your nail-file or other tools: this helps you to avoid spreading bacteria such fungi to prevent your tools to be contaminated by these fungal. Just a note: if you use artificial nails, make sure you have no green stuff in your nails.
4. Cut your toenails straight: this prevent ingrown nails & if you have ingrown(toenails); especially if the condition is always painful you may see a doctor to give you some treatment,
These are just a few tips on my part but you can also check this article which is also informative. Just click the link: